Aurora Public Library
414 Second Street
Aurora, IN
More Information (Eagle Country 99.3 is not responsible for external websites)
Phone Number: ( 812)926-0646
Upcoming events at Aurora Public Library
Dearborn County Farm Bureau Inc. Scholarship
Annual Scholarship given by Dearborn County Farm Bureau Inc.
Dillsboro Storytime with Miss Tammy!
Once Upon a Time, there were kids that came to library Storytime and laughed, learned, and made fairy-tale friendships! This month’s theme is Fairy Tales!

The winner will get to play a set on the VOA Main Stage this August.

KDF remains committed to providing engaging, hands-on STEAM experiences for children and families.

The contest is scheduled for Saturday at Batesville High School.

Six area wrestlers will compete at the event.

Report missing stats and scores to

The Indians' junior reached the milestone on Saturday in Aurora.