EEO Reports
WSCH: A copy of the EEO report is available on the FCC website at A physical file is also available for inspection in the station’s public file at 20 E. High Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025 during open office hours.
Dearborn County Farm Bureau Inc. Scholarship
Annual Scholarship given by Dearborn County Farm Bureau Inc.
Dillsboro Storytime with Miss Tammy!
Once Upon a Time, there were kids that came to library Storytime and laughed, learned, and made fairy-tale friendships! This month’s theme is Fairy Tales!

The contest is scheduled for Saturday at Batesville High School.

The Indiana DNR also confirmed a new shortnose gar record.

State Road 46 has been temporarily shut down in the area.

Six area wrestlers will compete at the event.

Report missing stats and scores to

The Indians' junior reached the milestone on Saturday in Aurora.