Qualifying families can receive up to $1,000 to spend on tutoring.
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INDIANAPOLIS – The Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) and The Mind Trust have partnered to launch a program that will support thousands of students.
The IDOE today announced the launch of Indiana Learns, a statewide grant program that will provide qualifying families with up to $1,000 to spend on math and English/Language arts high-dosage tutoring and approve out-of-school academic programs for their students.
The goal of the program is to increase access to effective, out-of-school academic support to help students recover from learning disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
To qualify for an Indiana Learns tutoring grant, students must meet the following criteria:
- Legally reside in Indiana
- Be enrolled at a traditional public, charter or accredited non-public school
- Qualify for Federal Free or Reduced Lunch
- Have scored Below Proficiency in both math and English/language arts on ILEARN as a third or fourth grader in 2022 (Approaching proficiency will not qualify).
Once a family has registered at www.IndianaLearns.org, they can manage their account and find participating learning partners in an online platform that will be available by Saturday, October 1.
Funds can be used on approved virtual and in-person tutoring opportunities listed in the online platform.
For more information, visit www.IndianaLearns.org.