Now is the time for Hoosiers to gather the tools and resources necessary to brave the cold this winter.
INDIANAPOLIS - Gov. Eric J. Holcomb has declared Nov. 7-13 Winter Weather Preparedness Week, and the Indiana Department of Homeland Security encourages Hoosiers to plan ahead, gather resources and be ready for winter in Indiana.
Now is the time—before bad weather hits—for Hoosiers to gather the tools and resources necessary to brave the cold this winter. Indiana notoriously has unpredictable weather and preparing now can help Hoosiers avoid dangerous situations, inconvenient delays and expensive repairs.
The Indiana Department of Homeland Security (IDHS), state partners and first responders will team up to protect citizens from hazardous conditions this winter, but Hoosiers also must do their part. When Hoosiers follow emergency guidance and prepare for conditions, they are less likely to need assistance when resources are heavily taxed.
Now is the perfect time to get prepared according to Emergency Management Director Mary Moran.
“Indiana is a beautiful state, but anyone who has lived here knows the weather can turn on a dime,” said Moran. “I urge everyone to stock their homes and cars with supplies to address a variety of dangerous weather conditions.”
Hoosiers can learn how to protect themselves from winter weather online at Get Prepared: Winter Weather. This site has information about extreme cold weather, winter storms, vehicle safety as well as the regularly updated county travel status map and information from the Indiana Department of Transportation.