John Borgman is moving on after nearly 29 years as a councilman.
John Borgman. Photo provided.
(Aurora, Ind.) – A longtime Aurora city councilman has resigned his position.
John Borgman recently resigned after celebrating his 90th birthday in November.
Borgman has served Aurora and its citizens for 50 years.
He started as a director and then vice president of the First National Bank of Aurora. In 1994, he was appointed to fill the vacancy of a Republican incumbent and was then elected to the office of Aurora City Council District 1.
Borgman remained a city councilman for seven consecutive terms, totaling 28 ½ years, making him and Charlie Thayer Aurora’s longest serving councilmen.
Aside from serving as a councilman, Borgman served on many boards and commissions. Most recently the Board of Works, Utility Board, Planning Commission and Historic Preservation.
The remainder of his council term will be filled by Sherry Love. The term ends on December 31, 2023.