Art-Scape Project Helps Beautify Aurora

Visitors to Lesko Park can now see a Bald Eagle sculpture along the Ohio River.

The beautiful bald eagle sculpture is located at Lesko Park in Aurora. Photo provided. 

(Aurora, Ind.) – A series of wooden animal sculptures are starting to pop up in the City of Aurora.

Under the guidance of Aurora Street Superintendent Rick Denton and Charlotte Hastings, the City of Aurora Parks Department has developed an art-scape project.

Taking advantage of proactive tree maintenance, unsafe hazards will be removed, and salvaged tree stumps are to be given different, artful life.

Visitors to Lesko Park can now see a Bald Eagle sculpture along the Ohio River. The sculpture was created by Brian Christman and sponsored by the Aurora Riverfront Beautification Committee.

Sponsorship opportunities are available for the art-scape project. Prices range from $250-$1000 for 1’, 2’, 3’ or 4’ carving, which will include a small plaque with sponsorship payment to the City of Aurora Memorial Donation Fund.

Wooden sculptures are expected to be placed along the Dearborn Trail, Waterways Park, Aurora City Park, Lesko Park, Taylor Ball Fields on U.S. 50 and the Aurora Soccer Complex.

For more information, contact the Aurora Street Department at 812-926-5403 or

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