Benefit Ride for Tina Gordon Zint Happens April 27

The ride will support her battle with stage 4 cancer.

(Aurora, Ind.) - Community members are invited to show support for an area resident battling cancer. 

The Tina Gordon Zint Benefit Ride will take place on Saturday, April 27 beginning at Lighthouse Point Yacht Club in Aurora. 

Registration for the ride will begin at 10:00 a.m. and will depart at noon. Cost is $20 per vehicle (two adults), and $5 for additional adults. There is no fee for children 15 and under. 

Jeeps, side-by-sides, motorcycles, and hot rods are welcome. 

The ride will travel along Laughery Creek and nearby ridges and valleys for a scenic ride throughout southeast Indiana to raise money for Tina and her battle with stage 4 cancer. 

Food trucks will be on site at the Lighthouse Marina after the ride. 


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