Survey: 4 Out Of 5 Hoosiers Believe Climate Change Is Happening

The statewide survey from Indiana University was released on Monday.

(Bloomington, Ind.) - A recent statewide survey from Indiana University reveals Indiana residents believe climate change is happening and support the efforts to address the impact of climate change.

The survey released Monday, April 22 offers state-specific insights on public attitudes towards climate changes that have already been felt here and across the Midwest.

Commissioned as part of the part of Indiana University Prepared for Environmental Change Grand Challenge initiative, the survey found that four out of five Indiana residents believe climate change is happening, and three out of four support efforts to address the impact of climate change.

Clear majorities of survey respondents report frequent observations of flooding, infrastructure deterioration in the form of potholes, unpredictable weather, and much more. A significant majority of the survey takers support measures to lessen the impact of these environmental issues while three out of four Hoosiers say climate change will have a negative impact on Indiana’s economy.

“Survey results provided further evidence that comprehensive, community-based strategies are needed if Indiana is to effectively respond to, mitigate and adapt to the threats posed by climate change”, said researchers at the IU Environmental Resilience Institute.

More than 120 researchers funded by the Environmental Grand Challenge initiative including 11 Environmental Resilience Institute fellows are working together to predict both the short- and long-term impact of climate change. Together they are identifying best practices for adaptation and quipping policymakers and civic leaders with the information needed to make smart effective decisions.

"These survey results suggest that Hoosiers know we must act now to protect the environment we have, while we have it," said Janet McCabe, assistant director of policy and implementation for IU's Environmental Resilience Institute and a former assistant administrator at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. "As we continue to experience the consequences of a changing climate -- historic flooding, record-setting cold -- the challenge is hitting close to home. That's especially true for a pillar of our state's economy: our farmers and all of us who depend on them for our food."

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